The unique taste

You are the unique creation

With the help of astrology, we will teach you how to adjust the nutrition system and form a comfortable lifestyle.

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Project's mission



We have combined astrology and dietetics into a system that helps to choose the right approach to nutrition and come to a balanced lifestyle.



Taste manifests itself in all spheres: life, food, and body... YOURSELF. We want to help everyone find their unique taste for themselves through everyday life



To be in the comfort zone, you need to find it. We will identify your physical and psychological characteristics to help you come to balance.


The rhythm of life

Our method helps to synchronize life with the biorhythms of the Universe to maximize the opportunities for improving health.


Nutrition algorithm

We offer our specialists’ balanced nutrition schedule, where the forces of nature will become your allies.


A place of power

You will recognize your source, which will give energy to spiritual harmony.


About the project


Nowadays, one of the most painful topics is weight loss. Many strive for trends and fast results. After analyzing the causes of breakdowns and the stereotypical approach to weight loss, we realized that it is a struggle for many.


We decided to combine 2 spheres into one: astrology and dietetics. Based on your date of birth, you acquire a comfortable environment for a joyful pace of life. Our project will help to connect the processes of the Universe with your biorhythms. You will no longer have to limit yourself but trust nature.


We want to help you discover your unique taste for life. After all, you are the individual perfection.

We are always there

Download the app and see what we have prepared for you:

Nutritionist and astrologer's tips on nutrition
and psychological comfort

Analysis of individual diet by phases of the moon

Food schedule with recipes
for a month

Personal forecast
for every day

Free decryption
by date of birth


About the Author

The creator of the author's project The unique taste Irina Sominskaya and nutritionist Alyona Pletneva

Irina Saminskaya

Astrologer with more than 7 years of experience.
I prefer the topics of personality transformation, the identification of talents and hidden abilities, as well as the causes of the crisis and difficult situations.

Before the launch, over 100 people were studied on the topic relationship to food and psychological comfort.

With each consultation, I understand how unique human life is. Turn on your uniqueness by 100%.


Alyona Pletneva

Dietician — nutritionist with more than 10 years of experience.
And also a nutrition therapist, an immuno-nutritionist, a pediatric nutritionist, and a pastry chef.

Work with nutrition and weight correction, instilling healthy habits without disruption and damage to health, drawing up an individual nutrition program assistance in food choice, decoding tests, working with food intolerance, and patient support.


Online Consultation

What awaits you:

Counseling will give you the opportunity to understand yourself and your life from the inside, find out what your strength is


A natal chart parsing on the subject of nutrition


Analysis of psychological habits and eating disorders


Identifying talents and abilities


Transcripts of medical tests


Help in selecting foodstuffs


Working with food intolerance

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F.A.Q. Questions

How does the method work?

Based on your date of birth, the program calculates the main indicators of the positions of celestial bodies in your chart and gives nutritional recommendations suitable for you, and a nutritionist offers you a nutrition plan.

I do not believe in astrology, how will your method help me lose 10 pounds?

Based on your date of birth, the program calculates the main indicators of the positions of celestial bodies in your chart and gives nutritional recommendations suitable for you, and a nutritionist offers you a nutrition plan.

I'm a mom and I have 2 small children, will I have time to cook using your methodology?

Based on your date of birth, the program calculates the main indicators of the positions of celestial bodies in your chart and gives nutritional recommendations suitable for you, and a nutritionist offers you a nutrition plan.

I really like sweets, should I give up sweets?

Based on your date of birth, the program calculates the main indicators of the positions of celestial bodies in your chart and gives nutritional recommendations suitable for you, and a nutritionist offers you a nutrition plan.

I hate sports, does that mean I have to exercise?

Based on your date of birth, the program calculates the main indicators of the positions of celestial bodies in your chart and gives nutritional recommendations suitable for you, and a nutritionist offers you a nutrition plan.

Why is your logo a pear?

Based on your date of birth, the program calculates the main indicators of the positions of celestial bodies in your chart and gives nutritional recommendations suitable for you, and a nutritionist offers you a nutrition plan.

For what contraindications will this method not work for me?

Based on your date of birth, the program calculates the main indicators of the positions of celestial bodies in your chart and gives nutritional recommendations suitable for you, and a nutritionist offers you a nutrition plan.

I made a mistake when registering and gave the wrong date of birth, what to do?

Based on your date of birth, the program calculates the main indicators of the positions of celestial bodies in your chart and gives nutritional recommendations suitable for you, and a nutritionist offers you a nutrition plan.